School News

Journalism Gains Membership

By: Amiyah Williams

When you think of a publications class, you think of all the tasks that the staff has to accomplish in the short 180 day school year. They make the yearbook, the newspaper, and they take many pictures of events happening around the school.

During the school years of 2020-202, there was a limited staff. There were only 7 members. This year there are 21 members, but only 2 are returning.

“Many of the students from last year’s staff were sophomores that are now Juniors,” says sophomore Charley Howard who is one of  the returning staff members. “They now have a vocational class that takes place during the fourth hour, so unfortunately, they couldn’t stay.” During the year 2020, Howard was elected to be Editor-in-chief.

With the limited members the tasks assigned were numerous for the staff members. Each person had to make the yearbook while also making sure they took all the pictures for the 96 pages. This year, the staff has gained members and a new Editor-in-Chief has been elected: sophomore Aleks Stacy.

Since the class has had more members join, Stacy hopes to succeed and get things done faster. 

“I hope this year I can do more articles and photography assignments, since we have a larger class,” said sophomore Aleks Stacy.

The increase in staff members had to do with the promoting that had happened last year.  

“We constantly had snacks during class and movie nights after school then we would order food… and brag about the benefits for being a member,” stated sophomore  Charley Howard.

Overall, the journalism class has really grown and they hope to get stronger and work as a staff. Last year’s staff had a rough year, and this year it is going to be a lot easier.