
Volleyball Season Underway

By: Amiyah Williams, Koral Rogers, Gabby Hopkins, and Taylor Darnell

This year the Culver Community High School volleyball team had many ups and downs. At the beginning of the year, teams were working well together. Now the team is struggling to connect with each other. However, JV players and freshmen Brynn Berndt and Ashley Pugh say that the junior varsity is in a good place with a record of 12 wins and 8 losses.

“JV is doing well with winning and connecting with each other,” said Berndt. 

Individually, players are playing really well. The JV players have had good games and good attempts.

“I have had 128 serving attempts. I have had a couple errors, and quite a few aces,” stated freshman Pugh.

The varsity volleyball team has had an excellent season as well, even though they may not have the best win to lose ratio. Coach Andrea Berndt is very proud of how they have overcome their mistakes and kept pushing through all throughout the season. 

“We’ve had some girls that have had some major varsity playing time, so that’s been helpful, they have experience on the court. I think they’re working really well together. They talk, they express their emotions, they just communicate really well,” Coach Berndt said.

Varsity players are also seeing things the same as their coach. 

 “I think we have a strong team and have done really well this year. Although the last few games have been rough, we play very well together and all put in effort.” varsity player senior Sydney Denham stated.

The girls interviewed say they’re working well together, but many interviewed have felt the weakness in the team is connecting. For example, when their setters are setting, the hitters are going for a different number than the setter is setting for; so the ball drops sometimes. The team believes that if they start to communicate more they will be able to connect.

“I think if we start communicating more we could start winning and make it further into Sectional then we did last year,” senior Alina Pizur stated.