
The 50th Annual Bell Game

By: Faith Bartram

Last year’s Bell Game had some rough spots for the Culver’s boy basketball team.When competing against Argos, the Culver boys’ team was up against players who were taller, more experienced, and stronger in the 2-3 zone. After the last Bell Game, the team overall tried to create a plan for the following year. However, dreaming and actually doing are two different things. 

“If I’m being completely honest, we’ve been struggling a lot. As far as what goals we expected going into the season to now, it’s definitely not what we expected. We’re right at the brink of being a really special team. We just gotta believe in what we do and trust each other,” said senior Emiliano Ortiz. 

The Culver boy’s basketball coach, Kyle Evans, has worked really hard to prepare the boy’s team with those objectives.

“I don’t know the last time we had the bell, but in preparation for this year’s bell game, last year we practiced a lot of breakdown, under-out of bounds, their set-plays, their offense, their defense, and a lot of film work,” said Coach Evans.

The boys basketball team has done quite a bit of work to improve from last year’s game and CCMHS’ students are hoping to see their hard work pay off in this next bell game.

 “This is a big game for the boys, but even bigger for Evans. We all know the hate Evans has for Argos. He does a very good job with knowing their plays and who the best players are.” said senior Lucile Overmyer. “I hope we win. The seniors this year have worked very hard and have dedicated a lot of time and energy toward just this game.”     

And coach Evans agrees.

“The bell is obviously a big deal to us,” said coach Evans.

With both the team and students hopeful, fans and athletes will come together Thursday, Feb. 7th with hopes for a win.