
2023 Track Starts on Solid Foundation

By: Ashton Macedonio

The Culver Community track season is underway and with that brings plenty of excitement. There are a lot of returning athletes this season which is a huge positive for the program. These athletes will bring with them previous experience and skills from earlier seasons, which they can build on to become even better athletes. Having a core group of experienced teammates creates a sense of continuity and stability within the team, which can lead to better team chemistry and stronger relationships. A strong core makes it easier for the team to reach their season goals.

 “We would like to have a few kids qualify for state. We already have one player who has done so in the past, and there is no reason why we couldn’t add to that this season,” said coach Casey Brace.

 The goals for this upcoming season are set very high, but achieving these goals aren’t out of the realm of possibility because of the talent in this season’s players.

 “Another big goal we have for this season is to have everyone set a new personal record in their events,” said coach Casey Brace.

Setting a new personal record in their respective events is a great goal for any high school track team to have. It encourages each athlete to strive for their best individual performance, regardless of their ranking or position on the team. This can motivate them to work harder and improve their techniques and strategies to achieve their goals. It fosters a sense of healthy competition among team members, where each athlete is encouraged to push themselves to improve their personal records and contribute to the team’s overall success. Setting personal records can lead to a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence for individual athletes, which can, in turn, boost their morale and dedication to the sport. 

“My goals for this season are to throw 44 feet in shot put and to win sectionals,” said senior Benjamin Lee.

Lee is already close to achieving one of his goals for this season after throwing 43 feet and 5 inches in his opening meet.

To meet these personal goals, the coaches need accountability for their players. Accountability is a crucial element in athletics. It ensures that athletes take responsibility for their actions, including their performance in competitions, attendance at practice, and adherence to team rules and regulations. When each athlete is accountable for their actions, they are more likely to take their commitments seriously. Accountability helps to build a culture of trust and respect within the team, where each member can rely on one another to fulfill their responsibilities. It also encourages open communication and constructive feedback among teammates, which can lead to greater personal and team development. Accountability can help identify areas where improvements can be made, whether that be in technique, physical fitness, or mental preparation. By being accountable, athletes can work with their coaches to develop individualized training plans to address these areas, leading to overall improvements in performance.

“Accountability is a word we have been living by so far this season. Making sure everyone is playing their part in trying to improve themselves day by day is very important to us,” said coach Reed Brace