
Effects of Sleep

By: Lillyonna Campbell

The amount of sleep that a person receives each night has been scientifically proven to affect your ability to function throughout the next day. Sleep effects both the mental and physical health, it services every aspect of a person’s body. 

According to the article Benefits of Slumber: Why You Need A Good Night’s Sleep published in April 2013, “When you’re tired, you can’t function at your best. Sleep helps you think more clearly, have quicker reflexes and focus better. When receiving a normal or moderate amount of sleep, your mental state becomes increasingly better. You’re able to focus better on the task at hand and not jump all over the place, causing yourself to be a jumbled mess.”

The majority of people don’t receive the proper amount of sleep due to technology nowadays. So many people are addicted to what happens behind the screen. They are constantly worried about drama on social media or keeping up with their favorite shows that they don’t feel the need to keep up with their sleep. Although these habits can be hard to break, there’s a way to break them. Simply turning off the phone and placing it out of arm’s reach can prevent people from wanting to constantly reach for it when they feel restless.

When receiving an average amount of sleep, which is 7-8 hours a night, it gives a feeling of being perfectly rested and motivated to continue on with the day. The moods experienced throughout the day will also be boosted, giving a happier, more vibrant mood.

“When I’m tired, I’m grumpy and not as motivated as I would be if I received a proper amount of sleep. But, when I receive an efficient amount of sleep, the next day I feel happy, and motivated to get everything and anything that I need done,” said junior Abigail Sullivan.