
‘Tis the Season

By: Abby Caudill

According to The First Recorded Celebration of Christmas on Christianity.com, the first
ever Christmas dates back all the way to December 25, 336 B.C. by the pagans and Romans.
Christmas began as a time where the birth of Jesus was remembered, and this soon was
adopted by the Christians. As time passed on, this holiday became known as a family
celebration with immediate and extended relatives.

For some, this holiday is all about the gifts they’ve wanted. On the other hand, many say
it’s a time to spend with family and friends. According to Americans Planning to Spend
Generously This Holiday Season
on news.gallup.com, a near total of one-thousand dollars is
spent by loved ones on Christmas gifts.

With so many families celebrating Christmas, some may have unique traditions. A
common tradition at CCMHS is opening a gift on Christmas Eve, but others have their own
personal traditions.

“Every year we write our name on a piece of paper, put it in a hat, and we have to pick a
name,” said junior Genna Sherman. “With that name, we buy an ornament for that person.”

Furthermore, people decide whether they want to travel or stay home. According to New
Data Reveals How Many Americans Plan to Travel During the Holidays
on travelpulse.com,
forty-seven percent of Americans travel across the country or abroad to celebrate Christmas.
That’s an estimated total of 120 million people.

Forty-seven percent is a lot of people and every year airports are flooded with crowds
which increase the chance of mishap. One common issue is the weather. December brings
snow, icy temperatures, and blowing winds which add on to the stress and frustration of every
person in an airport.

For those who stay home, the worry about rushing around while out and about in town
can be less of a problem.

“I don’t really care about getting up as early as I have to in order to celebrate Christmas
with my family,” said sophomore Rachel Pietsch. “If I could wake up at noon, I would rate it a ten
out of ten.”