
It’s Fall Y’All

By: RJ Woods

In the season of fall the leaves change, and so does the weather. This gives people the opportunity to enjoy seasonal activities, foods, and festivals.

“It feels amazing, and I like to visit the festivals and do other things. I like going to the pumpkin patch during my birthday because it is a tradition, I like going to the haunted halls cause I like scary stuff, and I like Halloween cause you get free candy and its fun dressing up and having a good time with friends,”  said freshman Jerryd Brandt-Looney .

But some people are happy with just the changes in the weather.

“I like going outside and enjoying the weather because most of the time it’s not too hot or too cold, and it’s like the perfect balance for me,” said senior Bryan Wyrick.

And with the arrival of fall along comes the infamous fall favors. People can have strong opinions about fall flavors, especially pumpkin spiced latte flavors.

“No,I don’t like pumpkin flavored things, in my opinion, I just don’t like it because I had it too 

much as a kid and now the flavors are just bland,” said sophomore Brandon Looney.

However, many look forward to the arrival of these flavors because social media lights up with pictures of drinks and desserts flavored for the season. Some are specific though with their indulgences. 

“Only pumpkin pie because I like the way that it tastes. I don’t like any other pumpkin flavored things,” said  freshman Jerryd Brandt-Looney .

“Basketball [ is what I look forward to]  because I liked it when I played the sport before,and the fact that I think I’m good at it,” said sophomore Brandon Looney.  

And, finally, fall brings the first  first school break of the season that students often look forward to.

“I like to play Mortal Kombat 1 and play with my dog and friends because they keep me company and my friends say random things to make me laugh,” said freshman Jerryd Brandt-Looney.