School News

The New Agricultural Teacher

By: Adamariz Rojas-Mendoza

 In October, the agricultural department was taken over by special education teacher Mr. Micheal Skiles. Skiles was not expecting this change of position, but nevertheless is looking forward to teaching a subject that has interested him since he was a student at Culver Community.

“… I switched to agriculture business management when I was down in Purdue, and I fell in love with everything about it. When I grew up around here, I showed animals and I was in 4-H,” said Mr. Skiles. 

 When Mr. Skiles was a student, the school didn’t have an agriculture program.

“Not having agriculture when I was a student here was a little disappointing. But when I got out, the school started a program and when I came back I was excited. I love the agriculture industry,” Mr. Skiles said.

Not only is Mr. Skiles excited about teaching agriculture, he is also looking forward to becoming the FFA Adviser. This is new for him as he wasn’t a member of FFA when he went to school here. 

“I am excited to see what opportunities I get the kids involved in. What are they already involved in? What other events could we maybe get them into?” Said Mr. Skiles